free guide

Burnt out with current options for healing?

Ready to think deeply about how we can do better?

As someone who has read enough self-help books to fill up a small football field, I'd like to make some suggestions on what to read (and what to skip!).

This book guide gives you my top 4 books that have influenced me the most in terms of how I think about healing and human relationships (and none of them I read in grad school).

Including tips about how to read each book in a way that inspires hope and empowerment!

Have you achieved the level of healing you desire? If not, keep reading.

This simple guide to 4 pivotal books will get you thinking outside the box on how to create healing for yourself and others in your life (whether as a therapist or a friend).

Current models can be quite lacking. It's okay, though, because we are in a day and age where innovative thinkers are sharing their wisdom generously.

As Maya Angelou says, once we know better, we can do better. Please join me in thinking creatively about how we can stay aligned with that value.

Ready to think outside the box?

Download your free book guide today!

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