
Therapist Meetups in Michigan

Who is this for?


  • Therapists looking to build authentic connections with other cool therapists in the area 🌈✌🏻✌🏽✌🏿
  • People who don’t love small talk, and are ready to delve into real conversations about ways to build courageous and connected lives (in and out of the therapy room)
  • Those who want to think creatively about how to use your unique gifts to make a bigger impact, without the burnout


Who am I?

I'm Shawn Hondorp, clinical psychologist living in Grand Rapids, MI. I love coffee β˜•, a good hazy IPA 🍺 (ideally consumed next to a body of water), and I absolutely love authentic connecting conversations with amazing people.


My work centers around helping more people build trust with their body so they can build more courageous and connected lives.


What happens when I sign up?

If you sign up below, you will be notified about events for therapists held in Michigan (primarily West Michigan). You will also get an email every other week when I have a new podcast episode released. You will occasionally get emails about other offerings I have (most of which are geared towards therapists). You may unsubscribe at any time!


    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.